I just released a new course that will teach you mobile home park management step-by-step (aka “How to run a trailer park”) and it’s called the…
Mobile Home Park Classroom Owner’s Edition
Many of the videos we filmed for the course were done from a “fly on the wall” perspective, which makes it incredibly easy to just watch what we do and then put it into practice…
You literally get to sit in the office with us as we rent spaces, answer calls from prospective tenants and tour park-owned homes.
We developed the information in the course over the last 35 years as mobile home park investors and managers. My family now has 3 generations in the mobile home park business and after living through some extremely frustrating experiences with bad tenants, maintenance issues, and empty spaces, they really refined what they were doing into a science that works.
That’s what I share in the Monthly Mentor Program – what they do, why they do it and how they do it….
Because life is too short and I’d rather you do what works as soon as possible so you (and your family) can enjoy life.