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How to Find a Superstar On-Site Property Manager For Your Mobile Home, RV Park or Campground
We started with a park that was literally a "red light" district, turned it into one of the nicest parks in town, hired and trained great on-site property managers and did it again 4 more times. Watch this free video series to find out how.
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How to Deal with Bad Tenants
How to Turn your Park Around
How to Find a Superstar Manager
Finding a great manager is the key to enjoying owning your park or campground without doing the work yourself.
If your park or campground isn't performing like you want it to, this video is for you.
Bad tenants drive away good tenants and cause endless problems, but it's not as hard as you may thing to deal with them.
Over the life of your park or campground, you'll likely go through four or more managers. In this video, you'll learn how you can train them automatically.
"This is the best property management training program I've seen. I've been doing this for over 40 years, and even I'm learning things I didn't know."
"I've only watched two videos and I've already taken 5 pages of notes!